Monday, June 2, 2014

It has been such a busy month for me, with summer just around the corner, work has been so hectic! But any who...
Like i said,  summer is just around the corner and what can be a better way than greeting it with an epic punch?!

It's simple, it's delicious, and it's addicting.

All you need is some blue Hawaiian Punch, some fizzy lemonade, and a few ice cubes.

That is all folks.

I made this punch for my little sister's "multi-fandom" birthday party. We needed something for 'Disney's Frozen', and we thought why not some punch. 

To make this easier, what I did was used ratios to get my desired punch taste. 
I found about a 2:3 ratio was the desired punch taste i was going for. 
For example: if I used 2 cups of fizzy lemonade, I would use 3 cups of blue Hawaiian punch.

This can be downsized or or up sized, depending on what you need.
For example: using 1/2 cup of fizzy lemonade and about 2/3 cup of blue Hawaiian punch for  a single serving.

So let's get it all together!

"Disney's Frozen" Blue Punch**

Makes about: 4-5 servings (depends on your size of serving glass.)

2 cups of fizzy lemonade (any kind will work just fine)
3 cups of Blue Hawaiian Punch
about 1-2 cups of ice cubes

1. In a large punch bowel or pitcher, mix together the fizzy lemonade and the blue punch.
2. At this point, you can chill it in the refrigerator until you need to serve it if you like. However, if you are mixing this as the  party is starting, just dump in the ice and enjoy.

** You could also chill the lemonade and punch before you mix it together. There is no right or wrong way to do this.

You can mix and match different juices if you can't find blue Hawaiian punch. something like a raspberry cocktail with fizzy lemonade sounds absolutely delicious too! If you try this recipe, tell me how it was and if you used any other different flavor combinations.

If you are a fan of Disney, who is your all time favorite character?

ps. will upload some pictures later!


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